Areas of Law
Dogs bite people. Some dogs bite because they are aggressive. Some dog owners even post signs warning of their vicious dog. Some dogs might bite because they aren’t properly restrained. Dog bites can be serious.
If you are bitten by a dog, call the Racca Law Firm. The dog owner may be liable for damages, such as medical expenses, scarring, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
After a dog bites you and the dog is no longer a threat, call the City of Albuquerque Welfare Department at #(505) 768-1975, or #311, which is the City of Albuquerque Community Contact Center.
If a dog bites you and is still a threat, call 911.
Each situation is different, but here are some general suggestions to take after a dog bite:
- Get medical treatment if needed;
- Get the name, address, and phone number of any witnesses;
- Wait for authorities to arrive;
- Find the owner of the dog and get their name, address, and phone number;
- Find the owner of the property on which the dog lived. The dog owner and property owner may be different people;
- Take pictures of the dog, location of the bite, and any wound.
A driver must use ordinary care to avoid injuries. A driver must keep a proper lookout to prevent an accident. A driver can’t just look, but must see what is in plain sight. Drivers violate these basic principles by running red lights and stop signs, failing to yield, speeding, and using cell phones.
Drunk drivers are destructive drivers. They maim and kill people. If you are injured by a drunk driver, please call the Racca Law Firm. You will be entitled to medical expenses and hedonic damages, such as pain and suffering.
You can also demand punitive damages, which are used to punish wrongdoers and deter other people from engaging in poor conduct. Punitive damages can’t be recovered in most negligence cases, but are available against drunk drivers and other reckless drivers.
A grocery store cooler malfunctioned and leaked water onto the floor. Employees of the store didn’t mop up the water, and they didn’t put up a warning sign. The clear water blended in with the white and polished floor, so it was difficult to see.
A customer pushed her grocery cart over water. She was looking at displays and shopping for her favorite frozen vegetables, so she wasn’t looking at the floor. When she walked onto the water, she fell. She was injured and humiliated.
The store should have fixed the malfunctioning cooler, cleaned the spill, or at least warned of it. The legal analysis doesn’t end there. The store will argue that you should have watched where you were walking. Had you done so, you would have seen the water and avoided it. You would have never fallen in the first place.
Even a relatively simple case, such as this one, comes with complications, so it is better to hire an attorney to help you navigate them.
Other Types of Premise Liability Claims
Premise liability cases can be more complex than the example given above. What if a patron of a bar attacks you at the bar? Johnny was drinking beer in a bar after girlfriend dropped him like autumn leaves, and he’s bruised. The only ointment is a few beers, which begins devouring at a bar.
You walked into the bar after having been voted best veterinary acupuncturist in downtown Albuquerque. You were carrying the trophy, and your friends were impressed with your accomplishment. You allowed the trophy to brush up against Johnny, who demands an immediate apology. Before you uttered a word, he pushed you to the floor, causing you an injury. He said, “Sue me. I don’t have anything except these two teeth.” He smiled to make sure you saw both teeth.
You obviously have a claim against Johnny.
Do you have a claim against the bar?
Will the bar ownership blame you?
Call the Racca Law Firm to find out.
A couple tips . . . If you have a premise liability case, report it to the store immediately. Ask them to keep videos of the incident if any exist.
You can recover lost wages and other damages if your loved one is killed by another’s negligence. The death can occur because of a car collision or any other claim that involves negligence. Although all deaths are tragic, avoidable ones are more difficult.
A wrongful death claim is heavily regulated by New Mexico law. It is, in fact, created by New Mexico law. You must go through certain steps before bringing a claim. You may have to notify certain people of the claim. You must distribute money in accordance with the law. Like most cases, you should call the Racca Law Firm.